If we make a factual error in a publication, we correct it and add a note at the bottom of the publication that explains what has been changed and the date of the modification. A record of all corrections published in recent years is maintained below.
If a mistake is substantial, we will take down an article and leave an explanation of the error and the circumstances that allowed it to occur. We will also publish such a correction in the same social media channels as the original, to ensure it is widely seen.
When an error has been made in a format that is not editable, such as certain social media posts, we delete the incorrect post and publish a correction in the same channel.
We also note at the bottom of our articles any updates, clarifications or new information that has been added after publication.
If you believe we have made a factual error in a publication, please reach out through our Contact page to detail the alleged mistake and evidence for why it is erroneous. Requests for a correction will be investigated by fact-checkers in consultation with their regional editors. We consider that requests that are whimsical, groundless, insulting, threatening or obviously coordinated spam do not require an answer from us.
If you believe we have violated our commitments to the European Fact-Checking Standards Network (EFCSN) or the International Fact-Checking Network code of principles, you can submit a complaint through the process explained here.
Here is a list of corrections made:
August 19, 2021: This article was updated to correct the spelling of W. Glen Pyle.
July 15, 2021: This article was amended to clarify a quote that the cars in the photograph were first-generation electric cars set to be replaced with newer models.
July 12, 2021: This story was updated to clarify that posts claimed the photos showed Thai helicopters, but not necessarily Thai helicopters at the scene of the plastics factory fire.
June 10, 2021: This story was updated to correct paragraph 11 to read Toronto Police Service.
May 24, 2021: This story has been amended to include the use of the term "Palestinian territories" throughout.
April 26, 2021: This article was corrected to indicate that a figure was for doses administered instead of people who received a Covid-19 vaccine.
April 26, 2021: This article was corrected to indicate that a figure was for doses administered instead of people who received a Covid-19 vaccine.
April 26, 2021: This article was corrected to indicate that a figure was for doses administered instead of people who received a Covid-19 vaccine.
April 5, 2021: This article was corrected to clarify that Pacific International Lines is a shipping company, not an airline as originally stated.
March 30, 2021: This article and this article were updated to correct a reference to the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine, which was wrongly described as an mRNA vaccine.
March 18, 2021: This article has been corrected to say Femi and Made Kuti are father and son, not brothers as originally stated.
February 15, 2021: This article was updated to replace the Associated Press photo with the exact AP photo that was shared in the misleading posts. The earlier version of the story had a near identical AP photo.
February 4, 2021: This article was updated to correct the spelling of Ranchi, the capital of the Indian state of Jharkhand. It is Ranchi, not Ranci.
February 2, 2021: This article was corrected to change the name of the railway company in the 15th paragraph.
January 22, 2021: This article was corrected to change a link to a Google Maps view of the India Gate. The link previously showed a different monument.
January 15, 2021: This article was corrected to account for data from phase 1 of the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine trial.
January 6, 2021: The distance between Rideau Cottage and Harrington Lake was corrected in this article.
December 16, 2020: Corrects spelling of Jeannette Dabanch Peña's name in this article
November 27, 2020: This story was corrected to say that a photograph of weapons seized in Ethiopia was originally published in 2018, not 2008.
November 18, 2020: This article's first paragraph was updated on November 18, 2020 to reflect the fact that the video was shared not hundreds but thousands of times on Facebook, as described later in the article.
October 16, 2020: This article was updated to correct the party affiliation of Paul Martin in paragraph five.
September 28, 2020: This story was corrected to say that Netflix withdrew a promotional photo for the film 'Cuties'; a previous version of the story incorrectly said Netflix had withdrawn the film itself.
September 24, 2020: This story was updated on September 24 to clarify that the misleading Burmese-language posts used a pejorative term specifically for Rohingya people, rather than all Bangladeshi nationals.
September 14, 2020: The sixth paragraph in this article was corrected to read "the incident involving Blake was the latest US police shooting of a black man" sted "Blake's shooting was the latest US police killing of a black man."
August 5, 2020: This article was corrected to state in paragraph 11 that Zurich is the largest city in Switzerland, not its capital.
May 18, 2020: This article was updated on May 18 to correct the name of WHO Thailand's representative to Dr. Richard Brown.
May 3, 2020: This article was updated to correct the date in paragraph six from August 11, 2020 to August 11, 2019.
May 1, 2020: This article was corrected to fix the spelling of Brandon Brown's name in paragraph 10.
April 29, 2020: AFP updated this article to clarify that the video shows a pool at an apartment block in India, not a hotel.
March 30, 2020: AFP updated this article to clarify that Pakkin Leung filmed the original footage.
March 26, 2020: AFP corrected the name of Kenyan blogger Robert Alai in this post.
March 5, 2020: AFP corrected this post's headline so that it referred to one image, not multiple images.
February 28, 2020: AFP corrected this post to remove references to the date format of tweets, which differs based on the platform used.
February 4, 2020: AFP corrected the post to clarify the difference between novel coronavirus infections and confirmed cases, adding comment from two experts. We have also updated the article to include the latest outbreak figures as of February 4, 2020.
February 4, 2020: AFP corrected the post to clarify US President Donald Trump announced plans to restrict immigration for certain countries in January this year and not in 2019.
January 21, 2020: AFP corrected the final paragraph in this post to remove an erroneous claim that the US chief justice was part of the Department of Justice. We also clarified the chief justice's role in the impeachment trial.
January 17, 2020: AFP updated this report to reflect that the photo was shared as satire. The misleading post was shared by a Facebook page which identifies as a "comedian". Whilst the page did not identify the specific post as satire, AFP accepts most Facebook users appeared to understand it was not intended seriously.
December 20, 2019: The second paragraph of this article was corrected to state that Calgary is the largest city in the province of Alberta.
December 6, 2019: This post was corrected to change Can$56,000 to Can$59,517 throughout.
December 3, 2019: This post was updated to correct the timeline and government responsible for the reintroduction of Australia's offshore processing program.
November 4, 2019: This article was updated to change Alberta to British Columbia in the first and eighth paragraphs and to add a link to the tenth paragraph.
July 7, 2019: The headline of this article has been changed to reflect the fact that some online users do associate with the MAP flag. Quotes from a self-identified MAP were added.
July 7, 2019: The headline of this article was changed.
June 20, 2019: Corrects the spelling of a name in this article from Liu to Lui
June 6, 2019: Corrects name of ICC spokesman in this article to Fadi El Abdallah, not Abdallahi
May 13, 2019: The fifth-to-last paragraph in this article was updated to correct a date and typo.
March 26, 2019: This post was removed as it did not meet AFP editorial standards on the selection and treatment of material to fact-check.
March 12, 2019: This article was corrected to replace the term Arctic ice shelf with the scientifically correct term, Arctic sea ice, throughout.
March 11, 2019: The first paragraph of this article was corrected to say that the Boeing plane which crashed in Ethiopia was a 737 MAX 8 plane.
March 7, 2019: We unpublished a fact-check from
March 7, 2019 headlined: "No, these photos do not show recent military activity on the India-Pakistan border" because the posts being investigated did not explicitly state that the images were from the recent military activity. The photos in the posts were run underneath a caption stating the war was continuing, but the caption did not link them directly.
February 26, 2019: We corrected a date in the ninth paragraph of this fact-check.
February 18, 2019: We edited this fact-check to clarify that while Nigeria's presidential elections were delayed until
February 23, 2019, the governorship and state assembly elections were rescheduled for
March 9, 2019. January, 25, 2019: This fact-check was rewritten to change the focus to the numerous locations where it was falsely claimed the original photo was taken.
October 30, 2018: We corrected the date of this crash.