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Image Published on 17/08/2018 No, a baby did not die on board a Pakistan International Airlines plane from Paris
Image Published on 10/08/2018 No, this is not a video of a Pakistani student filmed in a compromising position, it’s part of a series of ad clickbait posts
Image Published on 10/08/2018 Did US whistleblower Edward Snowden say Osama bin Laden was living in the Bahamas? Unfounded
Image Published on 09/08/2018 No, a Facebook post claiming to show a cricket match between Sri Lanka and South Africa is not genuine
Image Published on 28/07/2018 No, a viral video does not show cheating in Pakistan's national election
Image Published on 20/07/2018 No, an online video did not show Imran Khan’s ex-wife kiss an American man on TV
Image Published on 16/07/2018 Did 50,000 supporters of former Pakistani prime minister Nawaz Sharif rally in Lahore when he returned from abroad and was arrested? Unfounded.
Image Published on 16/07/2018 Did Pakistani prime ministerial candidate Imran Khan appoint a cleric, who is on trial for his alleged role in the murder of a woman, as his religious advisor? Unfounded.