This video predates Portuguese midfielder André Gomes' ankle injury by several months

  • This article is more than one year old.
  • Published on November 12, 2019 at 08:20
  • 5 min read
  • By AFP Australia
A video has been viewed millions of times in multiple Facebook, Twitter and YouTube posts alongside a claim that the footage shows the dislocated ankle of Everton football star André Gomes being popped back into place. The claim is false; the video predates the footballer’s injury in November 2019 by at least three months.

The video was published in this Facebook post on November 4, 2019, alongside the caption: “Must watch video, the real situation concerning Andre Gomes injury”. It has since been viewed 2.4 million times and shared nearly 40,000 times.

Below is a screenshot of the post:


The Arabic script superimposed on the video translates to English as: “Resetting foot joint without surgery.”

André Gomes is a footballer for the English Premier League team Everton. He is also a midfielder for the Portuguese national side. 

On November 4, 2019, the midfielder fractured his right ankle during a Premier League when he collided with Tottenham’s Son Heung-min, as this AFP article reports.

The footage has since been shared on Facebook here, here, here, here and here; on Twitter here and here; and on YouTube here alongside a similar claim.

The claim is false; the footage predates the footballer’s injury by at least three months. It also shows a left foot rather than a right foot.

A reverse image search on Yandex found an earlier version of the footage published on Instagram here on July 18, 2019. 


LUXAÇÃO DE TORNOZELO - A luxação é o deslocamento de um ou mais ossos de uma articulação e acontece quando uma força atua direta ou indiretamente sobre o nosso corpo. Em termos médicos, é definida como perda do contato articular, isto é, a separação de dois ossos que costumam estar interligados através da cartilagem, Quando o deslocamento entre os ossos é parcial e alguma parte de cada superfície está em contato com a outra, é chamada de sub-luxação. A luxação pode, algumas vezes, estar relacionada com uma fratura de um osso, o que a confunde com entorse ou contusão. Luxação: deslocamento do osso; Entorse: lesão ocasionada pelo excesso de movimento de uma articulação; Contusão: lesão em alguma região do corpo (ex: músculos). #fisio #fisios #fisioterapia #fisioterapiaporamor #fisioterapeuta #fisiologiahumana #fisioterapiaesportiva #fisioterapeutas #fisioterapiarespiratoria #fisioporamor #fisiocomamor #fisioloucos #fisioteraloucos #fisiodesportiva #fisioterapiadesportiva #esportes #atleta #corrida #lesao #traumatoortopedia #traumatologia #luxação #ortopedia #ortopediaetraumatologia #riodejaneiro #rj #errejota021 #esportesradicais

A post shared by Diego Magalhães (@diegomagalhafisio) on

The Portuguese-language caption translates to English as: “ANKLE LUXATION – The luxation is the dislocation of one or more bones of a joint and it occurs when a force acts directly or indirectly over our body. In medical terms, it is defined as a loss of joint contact, in other words, the separation of two bones that are usually interconnected by cartilage. When the dislocation between the bones is partial and a part of each surface is in contact with the other, it is called a subluxation. The luxation can, sometimes, be related to a bone fracture, which can make it be mistaken for a sprain or a contusion. Luxation: dislocation of a bone. Sprain: injury caused by excessive movement of a joint. Contusion: injury in a part of the body (e.g., muscles).”

The Instagram account belongs to Diego Magalhães, who according to the bio is a 26-year-old physiotherapy student in Rio de Janeiro.

“Yes, the video is mine,” he told AFP via Instagram’s direct message on Friday, November 8, 2019. “It’s not André Gomes, someone made a fake news. I didn’t know the video was being shared as if it showed André Gomes’ injury”.

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