Jean-Marc Michaud

Age 41
Date injured December 8, 2018 
Where Bordeaux
Eye Right
Medical certificate seen by AFP No
Alleged weapon Rubber bullet
Complaint filed ?
Investigation Police disciplinary body

Jean-Marc, known as "Jim", is a horticulturalist living on Oleron island off France’s west coast. Since his injury on December 8, he has continued to protest. AFP interviewed him on February 4, 2019.

Why were you there?

We were there to protest peacefully, not to cause trouble. If I’d wanted to beat up the police, I’d have gone there with a big group of mates, not with my wife (...) But it’s our damn right to speak out against our bent politicians who fill their pockets and only care about the rich.​

What happened?

Things started to turn ugly around 4.30, 5 o’clock. They started firing tear gas and canisters. The cops charged. We left and hid behind a wall. I put my hands in the air and they shot me like a dog, from five or six metres away, seven metres at most (...) I woke up on Sunday evening in hospital, in a sterile room, hooked up to machine (...) Then my wife came in wearing a protective suit. I cried.​

What is your life like now?

I can’t think about the future right now, only the here and now. I think all the victims are like that. Physically, I feel fine, I’m a fighter. But I’ve been injured psychologically. Losing an eye is very hard to deal with. I used to be very sporty, I did kayaking in the sea, I went fishing… there are lots of things I can’t do anymore.

I used to be a horticulturalist. I would prune vines for a winegrower, but I can’t see in 3D now. I can’t take my wife in my arms anymore. I can’t even look at myself in the mirror, I haven’t shaved since. I don’t recognise myself. When I finally learn to accept myself, then I will accept my wife’s embrace.

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